Tuesday 15 November 2016


Hello my little friends!!๐Ÿ™‹

What happened to me on Saturday? Today I'm going to explain an ANECDOTE!! I hope you will enjoy it!!

On Saturday I had a lie in. I wake up at 11 p.m. My best friend woke me up because she was worried because I didn't make noises. I woke up tired and I had my eyes almost closed.

I didn't want to play. I felt sick and tired. Irene caught me and I was very quiet. Irene started to imagine things like soon I will be dead or that I didn't want to play anymore... Then she started to caress me and I felt more tired until I felt asleep. I sleep 10 minutes on the hand of my owner. She began to say: oooooh what a cute hamster!! And she didn't want to annoy me.

Next Irene woke me up and she left me into the cage. I walked and Irene saw that I didn't walk perfectly. I walked doing jumps and she thought she will take to the vet. Irene and her family were very sad. Poor Irene, and poor me! 

I conclusion I think I felt ill!! But don't worry, now I'm good!! It was the worst Saturday of my life!!

I think that now I feel more better by the cuddles and kisses of Irene. I think that the best medicine of a problem is give love!!

PD: Guys!!! I have instagram!! Please follow me: wiinnnyy๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Kisses for all of you!!๐Ÿ˜˜

Here you see me sleeping on the hand!! ๐Ÿน

Tuesday 8 November 2016


Hello my little friends!!

Today I'm going to talk about my HOBBIES!! I hope you will enjoy it!!

I told you in the two last posts that, every day, I play with Irene. It's a very funny moment and I enjoy it a lot. I think that this is a very lovely hobbie. She is the best owner, every hamster would love to have her like an owner. 

One of my hobbies that I like it quite a lot is: jogging and do exercice. When Irene let me out of the cage, I began to run and run: up, down, left, right. I don't stop!! When I'm indoors, I do the same but when I'm very tired I do my bed and I sleep.

Another hobbie I think is order my house. Well... order... is more disorder, jiji. In my cage I have two floors, for go upstairs I have a green staircase and in the second floor I have the water and the food. In the first floor I have my wheel for run and my little house. I always distroy the two floors and my "parents" have always to put in the correct way. 

Today I have to go, see you in the next week. 

Kisses for all of you!!

PD: And you? Talk me about you!! What are your hobbies?? If you want to say something, leave it in the comments!!

Here you see me just after getting up! What more sleepy eyes!

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Hello my little friends!!

Today I'm going to talk about how it's MY DAY-TO-DAY LIFE!!. I hope you will enjoy it!!

My day starts at 8:30-9 p.m. in the evening. I wake up and I work in my small house to collect all my food in a box. Next at 9:30-10:30 p.m. my best friend Irene catch me and we play together. If you remember the last post, I said you that Irene often gives me some little pieces of fruit. I'm very excited because today she said me that she will give me a bit of apple and I never tried it. It is very tasty???

Well, let's continue! At 10:30 p.m. Irene puts me into the cage and then I work a little;  I collect all my food into my house. Afterwards at 11:00 p.m. to 3 a.m. I do exercise in my wheel. Later I order a little and then at 6 a.m. I go to sleep until 8:30-9 p.m.

That's all for today!! Kisses for all of you!

PD: ups..! That's me eating a piece of peach. It's delicious!! Do you like?